April 25 2019, Congress Hall of the Agrobiotech Research Center
Section I: DNA Day
13:05 – 13:25 Nucleologesis of early embryos
(František Strejček)
13:25 – 13:45 Allergomics in the service of modern man
(Jana Žiarovská)
13:45 – 14:05 Quantitative qPCR versus digital droplet PCR in gene expression analysis
(Veronika Lancíková)
14:05 -14: 15 Coffee break
14:15 – 14:25 Scientific research in genetic laboratories of VC ABT as we know it (not)
(Veronika Fialková)
Section II: From basic laboratory techniques in VC ABT to applied research
14:25 – 14:35 Eukaryotic cell – view through microscope lens (Požgajová M., Ďúranová H.)
14:35 – 14:45 Optical emission spectrometry in the environment (Miškeje M., Árvay J., Štefánik J., Bilčíková J., Kováčik, A.)
The event poster can be found here.